Katinka the Chihuahua or Black-Out which is the name on her passport. Yes...she actually has her own passport!! She came from the kennel "Des Pyramides De Cholula in France.
She was born September 22'nd 2006 and is quite the character!
Do not be fooled by her cute apperance - as she can be a right horror! At least that is what my dog Tinka has found out - and according to her - she is sticking to that conclusion!
I have never seen a big dog like Tinka bow off to a little ankle biter like Katinka in this way before! It took about 2 min to show her who's the boss.
And with the similar sounding names - it can be
quite confusing for them. At least both dogs come
running when you call either names!
If there is any food in the immediate surroundings - she is never further than a foot away. Always waiting for that little tit bit to drop! She does love her foods! And that meaning every edable foods! Even fruits and vegetables...
Even Tinka's food isn't safe when its time for feeding. We need to put Katinka on the couch so she is out of the way. That is her own personal prison as she can't get down !!
The other day she tried to nick Tinkas chewing bone - which was a bit too ambitious - as the bone was bigger than her!! But it didn't stop her from having a go at it. Getting her small mouth around a peace of the bone and dragging it across the floor - was a hoot to watch! But she didn't get far.... Tinka was on the prowl and if there is one thing she wont stand for - this is it! So off she went after the little ankle biter as she skidd along the floor. Katinka - being so small - had one up on her as she could duck under the couch to hide. The bone on the other hand was too big to fit under the couch - so she lost her prize! Tinka was quite happy about that:-) Sooooooo....back to the vegetable chewing instead !!!!!
2 kommentarer:
So you have anew dog - congrats!
No it is my moms dog! But if she ever have any puppies - im sure getting one of them! :-)
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