lørdag 31. januar 2009

Time goes past so very fast!

It amazes me sometimes how fast times passes! Just looking at my oldest niece. She was born September 28'th 1990 at around 5 am in the morning. I was so lucky to be a part of everything that happened that night. Being in the room when she took her first breath is something so increadible - there really arent words big enough to describe the feelings. Oh ! And when she was born she was the spitting image of me!! Something my sister didnt really appreciate.. hehe
At 3 months she was christened and never has there ever been a more adorable and happy baby than her when the priest poured water on her head (at least not untill the day I have my own children - if im lucky) She also had her first haircut at 2 months. I can only wish I had as much hair as her....

When her mother got married - she was 3 years old and such a cute little flowergirl :) I had been away in the US to work for a year and hadnt seen her for all that time! It was great to come back and seeing that she still remembered me! Yay!!!

Tho sometimes you wish you could stop time just to savour every moment - it also is exciting to see them grow up and becoming a young woman. But never did I expect it to go this fast. It only reminds me that im getting older too :s Maybe thats why im getting a few grey strands of hair on my head?? Its not fair as I still feel 25 years old....

Then the big day arrived! 18 years old and according to her - a grown up! Which she showed us by deciding to get engaged with her boyfriend! Yeh starting early arent we?? ;-)
She even out grew me ! I have always been the tallest one in our family. Not any more tho - Lene is now 6 foot tall ! Its not often I have to look up to anyone and it is a weired feeling for me!
Knowing her she will also have kids of her own before me! Aaaaah.... !!!
Anyway I think time should stop for a while so I can catch up with everyting. Im feeling left behind and im not likeing that. So if anyone has any idea on how to either stop time - or turning time back - please write me a note ;-) "Hang loose"

søndag 25. januar 2009

The Battle of Re !!

I was standing in our printing room at work a few days ago - minding my own business as I usually do - when a couple of cars came driving into our parking lot. Out jumped 5 people all dressed up in clothes from the 11'th century with swords in their hands! Interesting I thought - and wondered what the heck was up. Had I fallen asleep and awoken in another timezone ??
Thankfully my mind did not play a cruel trick on me and I found out that this actually was people who were going to re-inact "The Battle of Re" for a local newspaper and the local tv-station. Now as im not from this place and dont know the local history as well as I should - I decided to read up on it! As our office is located on this historical place - I really should know this!

So as I read and learned about it - I thought why not share with others who might find this a bit interesting ! So if you are interested in a bit of Norwegian history - keep reading. By the way - the picture beneath is of the 5 people who startled me while at work. And in the back ground of this picture - you can see the rooftop of our office !!

The Battle of Re. 1177

The Battle of Re in Vestfold, January 1177 - is a division in Norwegian history. Birkebeinerer were defeated by the Royal army of Magnus Erlingsson. Pretender to the Throne Øystein Møyla - who had challenged the Throne in Norway - was killed. In the prevalin moment a man with a great talent came to light. A man by the name Sverre Sigurdson - and he became the new leader of the Birkebeinerne - and the next challenger to the Throne.


The extensive feuds from 1130 lead to a permanent Splitting of the Aristocracy.
The Aristocracy attached interest to Royal power by supporting selected pretenders to the Throne to enhance their own interests and privileges. When the Brother war ended in 1162 after the Battle of Sekken - the loosing part stared an uprising in the East of the country. There they found the basis for recruiting a new army from the outlaying districts of the Norwegian populated areas.

The first was Hettesveins uprising 1164 -69 - at the same time there was an ongoing Danish-Norwegian war over the right of power over Viken. With the aid of the Danes - there were established bases for the ousted Aristocrats of West Sweden. With the occupation of the borderlands in the east of Norway - security was ensured for years to come.
In 1174 the pretender to the Throne Øystein Møyla - reputed to be the son of Øystein Haraldsson - became leader for a new warrior band. This band of warriors was the remnants of earlier up risings. Poor people and Farmers joined the band. These bands of people were known as the Birkebeiners. They won popularity in the east country because of the harsh ruling of the King with Erling Skakke and the church at the forefront. The people were so hard taxed that many were economically ruined and left homeless.

In the next two years the Birkebeiners gained strength in the east of the land which was never fully under control of the King. The Birkebeiners did not pose a visible threat before the 8th September 1176. An important landsman was attacked and killed in Nidaros - Trønderlag - the result of which this particular part of the country was no longer controlled by the Crown.

Øystein Møyla would now combine Trønderlag and the Eastland. He marched south through Opplandene into Ringerike through Toten and Hadeland towards the important city of Tønsberg. By taking Tønsberg - Viken would come under the control of the Bikebeiners.
On hearing this news - King Magnus Erlingsson and Erling Skakke reacted immediately when they heard that Øystein Møyla was being hailed as a King and had taken many soldier with him from Trøderlag southward. In the autumn of 1176 a fleet with an army lead by the experienced Orm Kongebro sailed to Tønsberg - and there they stayed over Christmas until 1st January 1177. They then got news an army was advancing on Re in Rammnes.The Kings army marched out to face and stop the uprising from Trønderlag and Eastland - lead by Øystein Møyla.

The Battle

When Orm Kongebro and Magnus Erlingsson arrived at Rammnes Farm - they observed the Birkebeiners on a distant farm. The Birkebeiners were spread out - and because of earlier snow-storm they had to gather their strength. This gave Orm Kongebro time to prepare the battle ground in the front of Rammnes Farm for when the weather got better. He gave orders for two strips of deep snow - one on either side of the wide road from the North - to be trampled down and concentrated his best troops in the middle where the road lay.

Birkebeierer had a much larger army - but the snow was so deep and cold - they could only attack on the hard road - which was not wide enough to allow them to use their superiority in numbers. And as the deep snow slowed their progress - the column was attack on both flanks.
Øystein Møyla true to tradition lead his men from the front with his colours - but had come into disfavour with the front line troops which were under attack from both flanks. Being pressed together on the deep snowfilled road - they were an easy target for the more experienced weaponry and skill of the Kings army. The Kings archers - killing the tired front line soldiers in the deep snow on the road - effectively blocked the attack. The king was then able to advance and drive them back. The congestion on the road was a catastrophe for the attackers from the north. Many were pressed off the road into even deeper snow and many more were slaughtered by the Kings army - who showed no mercy. Øystein Møyla choose to run away as his army disintegrated in panic and senseless flight. Within a short time the road was covered in a carpet of bodies as hundreds were slain. As they tried to escape - even more were hunted down and killed. Øystein Møyla ran to a nearby farm and asked the farmer to hide him - but the farmer took an axe and killed the pretender to the Throne.

According to an English source some 400 were killed and the rest fled. Some fled to the border villages near Sweden. In the mean time the body of Øystein Møyla was found and taken to Rammnes Farm. The king asked if anyone could identify the corpse. A wounded Birkebeiner saw the body of his King and attacked him with an axe cleaving the shoulder of Magnus Erlingsson. The wounded Bikebeiner was then slain by the Kings soldiers.

Black-Out Des Pyramides De Cholula

Katinka the Chihuahua or Black-Out which is the name on her passport. Yes...she actually has her own passport!! She came from the kennel "Des Pyramides De Cholula in France.
She was born September 22'nd 2006 and is quite the character!
Do not be fooled by her cute apperance - as she can be a right horror! At least that is what my dog Tinka has found out - and according to her - she is sticking to that conclusion!
I have never seen a big dog like Tinka bow off to a little ankle biter like Katinka in this way before! It took about 2 min to show her who's the boss.
And with the similar sounding names - it can be
quite confusing for them. At least both dogs come
running when you call either names!
If there is any food in the immediate surroundings - she is never further than a foot away. Always waiting for that little tit bit to drop! She does love her foods! And that meaning every edable foods! Even fruits and vegetables...
Even Tinka's food isn't safe when its time for feeding. We need to put Katinka on the couch so she is out of the way. That is her own personal prison as she can't get down !!
The other day she tried to nick Tinkas chewing bone - which was a bit too ambitious - as the bone was bigger than her!! But it didn't stop her from having a go at it. Getting her small mouth around a peace of the bone and dragging it across the floor - was a hoot to watch! But she didn't get far.... Tinka was on the prowl and if there is one thing she wont stand for - this is it! So off she went after the little ankle biter as she skidd along the floor. Katinka - being so small - had one up on her as she could duck under the couch to hide. The bone on the other hand was too big to fit under the couch - so she lost her prize! Tinka was quite happy about that:-) Sooooooo....back to the vegetable chewing instead !!!!!

Trolls....myth or real??

A troll is a fearsome member of a race of creatures from Norse mythology. Originally more or less the Nordic equivalents of giants, although often smaller in size, the different depictions have come to range from the fiendish giants – similar to the ogres of England (also called Trolls at times) – to a devious, more human-like folk of the wilderness, living underground in hills, caves or mounds. In the Faroe islands, Orkney and Shetland tales, trolls are called trows, adopted from the Norse language when these islands were settled by Vikings.
Nordic literature, art and music from the romantic era and onwards has adapted trolls in various manners – often in the form of an aboriginal race, endowed with oversized ears and noses. From here, as well as from Scandinavian fairy tales such as Three Billy Goats Gruff, trolls have achieved international recognition, and in modern fantasy literature and role-playing games, trolls are featured to the extent of being stock characters.

In fairytales and legends trolls are less the people living next to humans and more frightening creatures. Particularly in these tales they come in any size and can be as huge as giants or as small as dwarfs. They are often regarded as having poor intellect (especially the males, whereas the females may be quite cunning), great strength, big noses, long arms, and as being hairy and not very beautiful (Once again, females often constitute the exception, with female trolls frequently being comely). In Scandinavian fairy tales trolls sometimes turn to stone if exposed to sunlight, a myth generally attributed to pareidolia found in naturally eroded rock outcrops.

Now having said all this... I still wonder. Is this myth (fairytales) or does it have some truth to it.. I came across an unexplainable picture earlier today which got me thinking and wondering... Are we alone here in this Nordic cold country with its beautiful Nordic lights.. or is there more to it all... I have decided to share these findings with everyone so you can make up your own oppinion on this troubeling matter...

lørdag 24. januar 2009

May the force be with you !!

Murphy's Law....
I have had a bit of trouble lately with my internet connection and along with that - my phone line. After waiting for aprox 2.5 months I finally got it all sorted and a new modem. . . which actually didnt work... had to wait another week for a new one. Finally I was up and online :D Eeeeeehh.. atleast untill last week. My modem died again (this being the 3'd one) Thankfully im getting a new one next week and everything will be working as normal again... and that is a good thing as I HAVE to use the phone every day !!! But behold....it wasn't only my modem that bid fare well... My laptop decided to throw in the towl too!! Arrrgggg.... Oh well off to the computer store to buy a new one. We werent the only ones there tho...... Suddenly we heard a disturbing sound.....sshhrrr.... shhhr... And then the Voice... "Anne ...shhhrr...shhhrrr... I am your father...shhhrrr...shhrrr...." Well thats a shocker!!! Guess he could'nt find Luke...huh!! Lucky me he didn't have his sword - because with my luck lately I would have ended up with one hand missing.... Wait ! That was someone else... :S At least I got my new laptop and hope it isnt jinxt....dunno if the arrival of Darth Wader was a good or bad sign... "May the force be with you" (hopefully not the dark force)

tirsdag 20. januar 2009

Is there a thing as too much snow....???

YES!!! I do think so... After getting about 14 inches in one day...! Don't get me wrong, snow can be beautiful on a sunny cold day... all the white snow glittering in the sun. The trees white from frost and snow....but not so much when your out in 0 degrees and you have to shovel all that snow away! And when your snowblower quits on you...boy oh boy...your back is in for a real treat!!! When you finally finish with a big satisfied smile on your face and head back in doors... you find out after an hour that all the snow is back and you have to start all over again. Oh sweet joy!!!!! But as always....im not going to complain. I do love that we have the four seasons. This year winter started a bit premature tho... mid October.... so by now you might guess that im pretty fed up with winter... and you are guessing right! Im really looking forward to spring (the season I love the most) I CANT WAIT!!! (well there is also another reason for that.....;-) )